Use case description – Accounting Token into the Order confirmation

De Guide utilisateur des messages comptables UN/XML

Order Confirmation.jpg

Business process name

Accounting Token into the Order confirmation.


From Order Process to Payment Process.




The Order Confirmation contains the Accounting Token information of the customer.

It possibly provides the Accounting Token information of the supplier needed to support accounting entries generation at this step supply chain process.


Customer’s Accounting Token has been included into the Order message and given back.

Parties agreed to provide the Accounting Token information.


The value of each line and the total value of the order confirmation must be provided on the order confirmation.


The order confirmation acts the commitment of both parties.

Accounting entry possibly occurs to record commitment into “out of balance accounts” and / or budgetary accounts into accounting accounts of the supplier and those of the customer.

The Accounting Token of the supplier is needed when accounting books are kept outside of the entity, e.g. at an external accounting firm.


Considering the current general practice, SME’s do not often record commitment.

Implementing accounting entries from this step onward shall translate a better view of the reality in the accounts. Future web services will enable to stick business steps figures with account’s ones and consequently improve the fairness, accurateness and timeliness of accounting books.

Business process name

Accounting Token into the Order confirmation


From Order Process to Payment Process




The Order Confirmation gives back the Accounting Token of the customer.


Customer’s Accounting Token was included into the Order.

Customer’s Accounting Token is reproduced without change on the Order Confirmation.

The value of each line and the total value of the order confirmation must be provided on the order confirmation.


Accounting entry to be generated by an appropriate software tool.


To book commitment into “out of balance accounts” and / or budgetary accounts.


Considering the current general practice, SME’s do not often record commitment.

Implementing accounting entries from this step onward shall translate a better view of the reality in the accounts. Future web services will enable to stick business steps figures with account’s ones and consequently improve the fairness, accurateness and timeliness of accounting books.

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